
Biblical Reflections – Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer

In this short video series Rev. Willem Glashouwer shares several Biblical reflections on the signs of the times we see happening today. What are these signs of the times? How should we relate to them?

Romans 9-11 with Johannes Gerloff | Series

How important is this whole issue about the people of Israel? And, why is it so important from Paul's point of view? - This is what I would like to explore with you in this series about the chapters 9 to 11 in Paul's letter to the church in Rome.

Back to Basics – Israel’s significance for Christians

In the Footsteps of Abraham with Johannes Gerloff | Series

Johannes Gerloff is Bible teacher, theologian, journalist and author from Jerusalem. He invites you to explore the foundations of the people of Israel, the significance of the land of Israel and the importance of Jewish-Christian relations.

The Signs of the Times with Rev. Willem Glashouwer | Series

Faith in a personal God is rapidly declining. Anxiety and fear for the future are increasingly laming the lives of many, as a deadly stranglehold. Is there any hope? Is Israel a sign of hope? Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer looks at fifty-two signs of the times mentioned in the Bible.

Why Israel Introduction (Video 1 through 7)

Focus on the Future (volume 1)

Focus on the Future (volume 2)

Focus on the Future (volume 3)