
Dernières nouvelles

Lighting up the World

Blogs Up until just a few years ago, children still had to attend school during Hannukah, which is not the case for the Biblical holidays of Passover, Shavuot and Sukkoth. However, due to the holiday’s popularity, and the oil-based comfort food frenzy, the government decided (to …

Making Waves

Blogs The advantage of the radio – as opposed to television – is that it leaves far more to the imagination. …
Divers aanbod
Christians for Israel produces Israel and Christians Today, a bi-monthly newspaper distributed internationally - in most cases free of charge! The main purpose of Israel & Christians Today is to proclaim the message, that Israel is a sign of Hope for the Church of the Coming of the Lord.

This publication is written for a primarily Christian audience. It will help readers discover God’s promises to the Jewish people and the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.

Divers aanbod
Christians for Israel produces Israel and Christians Today, a bi-monthly newspaper. The main purpose of Israel & Christians Today is to proclaim the message, that Israel is a sign of Hope for the Church of the Coming of the Lord.

This publication is written for a primarily Christian audience. It will help readers discover God’s promises to the Jewish people and the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.

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The Messenger is our monthly newsletter to inform you about the global Christians for Israel movement. Christians for Israel is now working in over 40 countries around the globe.