Он был с Израилем всегда

Преп. Хенк Поот
He was with Israel always
One of my greatest discoveries in recent years has to do with the person of Jesus. Before, I did not understand how deep and rich His character was. Let me explain. Jesus is the Son of God, and as the Son of God, He was already present before the creation. Paul’s message to Hebrews also says that God created the world through Him (Hebrews 1: 2). Paul writes that He is “born before every creature.” Everything is created through Him and for Him, and everything owes its existence to Him (Colossians 1: 16-17). The Apostle John begins his Gospel, saying how in the beginning through the Word of God everything began to be – thus pointing to the direct participation of the Messiah in the fate of Israel. “In him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1: 3-4). I realize that Jesus, for whom we sing and for whom we pray, is not only the source of life. As the Son of God, He was glorified before the existence of this world. (John 17: 5).
Angel of the Lord
My discovery was that the Messiah does not just appear in the Gospel of Luke in chapter 1, but that He was with Israel in the form of the Angel of the Lord in all previous ages. Also, I discovered that this had previously been sung in laudatory chants. Thus, in the famous psalm “Come all to the Infant”, the Prince of angels is sung, and hymn 476 (Cornelis Reinsdorp in the ancient Dutch hymn book) calls Christ the eternal Word and God’s Angel of Israel from the days of the ancients.
Messiah already existed
It is obvious that God manifests Himself in this very image among His people. I would like to mention the following examples. When God speaks to Moses from the flame of a burning bush (Exodus 3: 2), this chapter begins with the mention that “the Angel of the Lord appeared to him.” When God puts Abraham to the test and asks him to sacrifice his only son on one of the mountains in the land of Moriah, there appears the Angel of the Lord, who turns to him and says: “… now I know that you are afraid of God and have not regretted your son your only one for me ”(Gen. 22:12). We also see Him in one of the night visions, the prophet Zechariah, appealing to the high priest Jesus before the throne of God. Then we read how He puts on his ceremonial clothes (Zech. 3 ch.). Daniel meets with Him, the Angel sent by God. He describes that His body was like Topaz, and His face is like lightning. Centuries later, John contemplates Him Who, Daniel saw, the Messiah, King of Kings (Dan. 10 ch. And Rev. 1:13). Psalm 33 states that “the angel of the Lord shall revolt around those who fear Him, and shall deliver them” (v. 8). Isaiah
says that the Angel of His face, that is, the reflection of Almighty God Himself, saved them (Isa. 63: 9). So the Messiah has always existed.
What I mean
This discovery means a lot to me. It gives great depth to the character of the Lord Jesus. Here you see that the Son of God is truly the one who was and the one who will come. And He is the One through whom God ultimately revealed Himself in the flesh among the Jewish people. Angel of the Lord became a Jew. In Him was life; He Himself sacrificed His life for the sins of mankind. He who spoke to Abraham is the same One who sacrifices His life in the land of Moriah! The same! Who else could do it the way who He is the Word, the Wisdom and the Angel of the Lord, and who always took care of Israel all the time in the Name of God? God speaks of Him: “… for My name is in Him” (Exodus 23:21).
Commitment to Israel
I am becoming increasingly aware that Jesus never refused His commitment to Israel. His glorification and ascension did not affect His faithfulness. Jesus glorified God and was deeply involved in the lives of the people whom He created by His love and devotion. Jesus, after His resurrection, still remains Emmanuel. He continues to manage our history, including all those difficult times when Israel in Europe was subjected to oppression, humiliation and mass murder. Inclusive with the time of His return!

