Top 3 Books
Showing 1–12 of 18 results
Land without borders
The authors use maps in this book to guide readers through the most recent history of the disputed territories between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea; from the end of the Ottoman Empire in the early twentieth century to the current situation. It is an indispensable basic tool for better understanding the current conflicts surrounding the Jewish State of Israel.
Until – Fourteen prophetic horizons
UNTIL is just a little word but has a far-reaching prophetic meaning. The Bible mentions many of these divine, prophetic ‘untils’. In this book, Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer has closely examined fourteen of these prophetic horizons. The result is extremely encouraging. History is coming to a climax with a final goal. From creation to re-creation. From Paradise to the Kingdom of God.
Behold He Comes
Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer presents the Book of Revelation in a new light. Study God’s roadmap for the future step-by-step. You only need a couple of minutes each day in which you study one or two verses of the Book of Revelation to come to a cleaner understanding.
Why is it so difficult for Jews to believe in Jesus?
The number of Jews who believe in Jesus as their Messiah (also known as Messianic Jews) is growing, but remains small. The overwhelming majority of Jews worldwide do not see Jesus as the expected Messiah. This raises questions among Christians, and sometimes insensitivity and misunderstanding as well.
San Remo – The Zionist Vision becomes International Law
In April 1920, at San Remo, Italy, the historical claim to a ‘Jewish national home’, as set out in the Declaration of Lord Balfour, became ‘essentially legal in character.’
Towards the Establishment of the State of Israel
This book retraces the principal events, emotions, efforts, adversities and the protagonists who enabled the Jewish people to become a nation after a diaspora lasting for two hundred years.
Tel Israel
This (comic) book takes you to the distant past of the homeland of the Jewish people and tells the story of modern Israel at the same time. Past and present of the State of Israel are being told to a group of Dutch high school students in such beautiful colours and in such a clear and fascinating way, that you will not put the book aside until you have finished it!
The Signs of the Times
Faith in a personal God is in Europe rapidly declining. Anxiety and fear for the future are increasingly laming the lives of many, as a deadly stranglehold. Is planet earth heading for an all devastating Third World War? Is there any hope? Is Israel a sign of hope? Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer looks at fifty-two signs of the times mentioned in the Bible.
Learning Messiah
Israel’s election, calling, and history make up a big part of Scripture. It could be said that they belong to the ‘DNA of the Bible.’ But why is it then that the Christian narrative about the Messiah, Israel, and the nations, often seemed to have and sometimes even still has a different ‘genetic structure’?
Israel on Trial
This book aims to provide a legal framework for the exploration of alternative policy solutions that balance the rights of the Jewish State of Israel to territorial integrity, security and political independence with the rights of Palestinian Arabs to political autonomy and economic and social advancement.
70 Questions About Israel
This easy-to-read book is written for Christian believers who want to understand the Biblical significance of Israel and why the Church should stand with Israel. The book is especially suitable for those with little prior knowledge of the issues surrounding Israel.
Why Israel?
This important book explores the Biblical significance of Israel and the Jewish people for Christians today. It looks at the concepts of replacement theology, election and covenants, and shows that the Bible supports the return of the Jewish people to the land. It challenges the church to embrace and bless the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.